
New Member
Hello Everyone,

Thanks to you all for contributing to this thread. I have started a new one but first timers can look at the "Freelander Loss of Power" thread.

Garage fitted another turbo yesterday with no change. They have found that the engine is "breathing" and that when you run the engine there is a lot of pressure when you take the oil filler cap off and if you take the dipstick out it positively pumps out oil.

They are not sure what is exactly wrong but reckon crankcase seal/compression seals etc have gone. This has caused oil to be forced into the air lines so things like the intercooler etc are oiled up and hence the presence of smoke in the exhaust.

They reckon an engine build is out of the question and the only realistic thing is a new engine.

They are looking into this and told me to speak to LR Customer Care to see what they can do.

The car is 2002 TD4 with 76K miles and fully serviced etc.

Anyone any ideas and how much a new engine will cost? Can you get a reconditioned TD4 these days.

Advice gratefully received.

i'm having loss of power also but i have a di model pre td4 but have been reading your thread with interested...

i find that equicar in birmingham is helpful and i know they have td4 engines in...well did have...

Hello Everyone,

Went to the main dealers yesterday to look at my "duff" engine.

They have investigated and did the following which seems to have done the trick.

"remove and fit new cam cover breather, remove and fit new injector leak off pipe"

apparently this is not a service item and the breather filter or whatever was bunged up.

Car seems OK, the exhaust is cleaner and like it was before the problems started. Still not 100% confident with the car but that will come with time.

I checked the oil level when the car was warm and in the past there would have been a slug of oil about10 inches up the dipstick when you first pull it out, all seems OK and normal.

For the experts out there, does this seem plausible and what if any damage might I have done running the engine like this.

Thanks for looking.
If the breather was blocked then yes a build up of blow by gases from the piston rings will cause excess pressure in the engine alowing oil from the splash sump being forced into places it shouldnt go, very plausible indeed! thats why you should never over fill your engine ( it does the same thing)
Apart from oil residue in your exhaust system which in time should dissapate off, it should be fine.

Take it for a decent run on a motorway to get everything up to a good temperature and see how it feels.
The high boost should also help clear things out slightly quicker.

Hope it is the end of your problems.

Sounds like you got it sorted[lot better than forking out for a re con engine] yes take it for a good run like the zip says and keep monitoring it,all the best . . .:cool:
hence previous posts ! dont just go by one mechanics view ... if serious ask around.. most of us are blithering idiots inc. me! but someone out there may have had the unfortunate problem spent thousands to correct a £50 problem! please see rest of my posts tonight:D

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