
New Member

My freelanders handbrake comes up quite high, and it doesnt get pergressivly harder to pull on like other cars.

It kind of comes to a stop. And you have to really pull it on hard, or the car is still moving.

Its very difficult to use the handbrake on a hill as it wont hold the car very well.

I tow a horse box with it and on a medium hill the car was rolling back at a junction, with the handbrake pulled on as hard as i could get it.

I went back to the dealer where i bought it an they said its normal :confused:

Is it?, and if not what can i do about it?

Although i did get my tracking checked and adjusted the other day, and it feels so much better to drive now.

It was miles out before, it made the front tyres look always soft since they were being pulled from the rim.

definitely not normal! What would you do if you had to park on a hill and leave vehicle and trailer ? (alright, you could leave it in gear or park if its an auto, but how would you start from rest.

dealer is talking bollocks, and if it's as bad as it sounds, wouldn't pass MOT. If you're in any doubt about it's efficiency, take it to an MOT testing station (obviously not the dealer) and ask them to check it on their machine. If it is unsatisfactory, you've got even more grounds to give the dealer grief !

3 or 4 clicks on mine (td4 auto) and it's rock solid (ooer missus)
definitely not normal! What would you do if you had to park on a hill and leave vehicle and trailer ? (alright, you could leave it in gear or park if its an auto, but how would you start from rest.

dealer is talking bollocks, and if it's as bad as it sounds, wouldn't pass MOT. If you're in any doubt about it's efficiency, take it to an MOT testing station (obviously not the dealer) and ask them to check it on their machine. If it is unsatisfactory, you've got even more grounds to give the dealer grief !

3 or 4 clicks on mine (td4 auto) and it's rock solid (ooer missus)

Hmm, well i didnt think it would be, so thanks for that :)

Its a 2001 TD4, I bought it about 4 months ago now, and it only came with a 3 month warranty. So unfortunately its expired now. So i think i will take it somewhere else and get it sorted then.

Well funnily enough it had a new MOT when i bought it, which the dealer put on!!!

Mine must be about 6 clicks, although it doesnt go all the way to the top. I think maybe the handbrake cables have siezed maybe.

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