
New Member
My father has a Freelander Diesel Softback XE Di 3dr on a W Plate

He bought it off my brother inlaw who has not driven it for over a year.

Now my dad hasn't driven it since he got it as he's got a Toyboata Avensis & had not swapped insurance over but he was planning on going to cornwall & I told him to take the freelander as diesel is more econimical.

Anyway he took it there & back & is complaining like hell thats its slow as anything no power to get away at junctions etc.

Now my experience Of Freelanders is next to nothing as I've owned VW's all my life.

But I have OBDII Diag Cables for my VW Diesels and I'm wondering what software I need to communicate with the ECU to read and possibly clear fault codes to see why this car is so slow.

Can someone PLEASE help.

I want him to keep it but he'll just sell it if its gonna be a big problem.

Many thanks

A recent post covered this, possible split in Turbo inlet hose and things like that. I have a 1998 L-Series Hippo and I have seen this on numerous occasions on Rover cars with same engine.
Does this freelander have a turbo ?

Cant seem to see what looks like one behind the engine block !

Were there some diesels without turbo's ?
Out of all the people on here and hardly anyone commenting on this problem.

Hardly nice way to greet new members....

Seems very clicky :(
welcome to Looneyzone.
cant help ya - neva had a doozil hippoo.

have yu dun a search, coz , as sparkyjohn sed, its bin covered before - all of it.
Hi Pompey, yes it can be a bit clicky, but so are most bits of life.

As the MHM said, the search facility is very useful and should really be the first port of call once you have been politely pointed in that direction.

Given that you only joined yesterday, and that some people (contrary to popular rumour) do not spend all day every day on this forum, it may take a few more days before you start to get some more replies.

You may even find that the problem is that the gaylander is that sloggish by virtue of it's size, weight engine etc, whihc when compared to a normal car (even a deisel) may make it seem slow.

If you ask nicely, and let us know which part of the country you are in, you may find that other owners will be in touch and you could do a comparison.

Welcome to the Zone
Hi PompeyVW

Welcome to LandyZone (Loonyzone :D)

I'm a new member myself and I drive a 1999 diesel 5dr.
As far as I know all Freelander diesels has turbo's (If I'm wrong please correct me anyone?).

Mine isn't slow and it does have power, this is when everything is working 100% (Think I have an injector problem at the moment but before that it had enough power and speed :eek:)

But as Mad Hat Man said this topic has been covered in quite a few post so best advice would be to do a search and start reading. :cool:

There is a lot of stuff you can check and clean without spending any money and the L-series engines are pretty straight forward once the cover and air filter box is taken out and out of the way.

Best of Luck ;)
I presume you haven't just taken a vehicle that has been sitting for a year and then driven it hundreds of miles .......?


Some Rover cars with L-Series engines did not have Turbo's depending on "SPEC", butI think you are right , all Freelanders do.

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