
New Member
I suppose everyone knows that The Freelander Club is shutting down, so does anyone know of a similar organisation in the South of England ie:Hampshire/Dorset or is there anyone out there interested in starting a Freelander club. I"m quite interested and would be prepared to put in the hours setting it up if there was enough interest, but it would have to be based in and around Bournemouth/Southampton and outward to a radius of 50 miles. I was thinking of a club where like minded owners could seek advice, ask questions,sell or purchase Freelanders or Freelander spares, hold monthly or quarterly meetings and for a fee be provided with a decent magazine featuring photos of club members Freelanders and including an open forum.
As second class members of The Land Rover fraternity, it"s about time we had decent representation, a decent and interesting magazine for all aficionados of the brilliant FREELANDER.
Will wait with baited breath for any replies.
As second class members of The Land Rover fraternity, it"s about time we had decent representation, a decent and interesting magazine for all aficionados of the brilliant FREELANDER.
Will wait with baited breath for any replies.
Here, here! ;)
A forum would be a good start and they are free apart from the running of them of course which involves people giving up their time.
Why could the Freelander club have not just been taken over. Is there some rights to the name? if so then Club Freelander like Club Calibra etc.?
A forum just for Freelanders quite frankly cannot come soon enough.:rolleyes:
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There is a huge amount of knowledge out there from those that know Land Rovers so IMO to limit something to just Freelanders owners would be pointless - there are loads of pain loving, cold enduring weirdo's who just so happen to be able/willing to pass on knowledge gained by driving unreliable, slow and uncomfortable sheds around which helps us softies keep our slightly more reliable (1.8 petrol excluded),much faster and more comfortable salons.

So enjoy the banter, remember it comes from those who have had their brains bashed against the inside of their skulls so much from driving such uncomfortable vehicles that it is bound to have had some effect but in general is amusing. I have been offered guidance by Freelander and other land rover owners and I appreciate it all.

I won't rely only on a Freelander only club, same as when I had Alfa's I wouldn't join a Alfa 75 or 156 only owners club. However I would be interested in taking my car off road and properly comparing it to the work defenders.
There is a huge amount of knowledge out there from those that know Land Rovers so IMO to limit something to just Freelanders owners would be pointless - there are loads of pain loving, cold enduring weirdo's who just so happen to be able/willing to pass on knowledge gained by driving unreliable, slow and uncomfortable sheds around which helps us softies keep our slightly more reliable (1.8 petrol excluded),much faster and more comfortable salons.

So enjoy the banter, remember it comes from those who have had their brains bashed against the inside of their skulls so much from driving such uncomfortable vehicles that it is bound to have had some effect but in general is amusing. I have been offered guidance by Freelander and other land rover owners and I appreciate it all.

I won't rely only on a Freelander only club, same as when I had Alfa's I wouldn't join a Alfa 75 or 156 only owners club. However I would be interested in taking my car off road and properly comparing it to the work defenders.

In answer to "Gratch".
Hi Mate!!!!!!! Love your rhetoric!!!!!! I"m surprised this hallowed forum allow the "F" word.
But just to let you know, I"ve owned quite a few LandRovers, and at 69 years of age still want a Landrover in which I can drive around in comfort and go off road should the need arise. We don"t all happen to be "Macho" grease under their fingernails off roaders, but I"ve been there, done it and got the T shirt!!!!!!!!!! By the way, love your Photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crikey! Someone 10 years older than me!!! Even older than Buckshot. I think yu must win a prize or summat :).
I totally agree. the sooner you and 2001ytd4 set it up yourselves and **** off from here the better.

Lmfao. Is this forum really that much a part of your life that it bothers you that we are on here?

This just makes me want to come on here more and more just because i know you hate it so much. :D
You can join us as a honary Freelander owner.

Oooh thanks Hippo, I'l just go an write me acceptance speech:D

In answer to "Gratch".
Hi Mate!!!!!!! Love your rhetoric!!!!!! I"m surprised this hallowed forum allow the "F" word.
But just to let you know, I"ve owned quite a few LandRovers, and at 69 years of age still want a Landrover in which I can drive around in comfort and go off road should the need arise. We don"t all happen to be "Macho" grease under their fingernails off roaders, but I"ve been there, done it and got the T shirt!!!!!!!!!! By the way, love your Photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My post wasn't aimed at all Gaylanderers forest, just those two trolls. I'm sure they'll be very happy (but lonely) together;)

Lmfao. Is this forum really that much a part of your life that it bothers you that we are on here?

This just makes me want to come on here more and more just because i know you hate it so much. :D

Did someone say sommat? I thought I heard a pitiful squeeking:confused:
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Have I just read properly, what I thought I read a few posts higher up??, any news on a club for Freelander Owners...?
don't you know folks know that defender owners etc like takeing the mick out of freelanders after knocking their brains out on the windscreen of their car's off road and moaning about the seats while us wise one's travel in comfort with heat'd seat's and lumber adjustment .:p
But they are called Very Disco or is that Discovery - come on who wants to drive a Very Disco Landrover ha ha
then again us gay lander owner's can get out of our cars and still walk after a day's off roading if the clucth [ manuel] or fuel pump do'snt pack up :rolleyes:
don't you know folks know that defender owners etc like takeing the mick out of freelanders after knocking their brains out on the windscreen of their car's off road and moaning about the seats while us wise one's travel in comfort with heat'd seat's and lumber adjustment .:p

I only take the mickey outta gaylanderers- I don't knock their brains out on the windscreens of their 'cars':rolleyes::p
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As second class members of The Land Rover fraternity, it"s about time we had decent representation.
:lol: Who's second class? We are the owners of the REAL Land Rovers. I switched from a D2 to a FR2 and now the world is my mollusc. Freelanders are the best. Freelanders rule. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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