
New Member
Has anyone recently thought of or tried to revive the Freelander Club? I was a member when I had by first Freelander back in 2001 and the enthusiasm seems to be back in bucket loads now...
It was a good club. Although there are plenty of good forums that offer an online community for like-minded enthusiasts of Freelanders, the club used to have regular meetings and displays at 4x4 events so more face-to-face opportunities and chances to see others' vehicles 'in the metal' so to speak. I can't seem to find anything like that except for general Land Rover meets where it seems Freelanders are poorly represented.
It's worth a thought if anyone else was interested. Perhaps others here could express their opinions...
that wont work. just state a time n date and venue (pub) and see how many sign up for it.

maybe a gay-rambl-ander ? ;)
We have the startings of a FL1 club in our road alone. 12 houses - 4 Freelanders.
Mines the only facelift so I hereby nominate myself to be President.

So that's six and four neighbours whether they like it or not! MHM can be mascot cos he's Daft! Sorted:D


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