
New Member
Hi hope some one can help because this problem on my freelander is doing my head in,
Ok, driving the freelander is sometimes ok, then other times when I get to about 1700-2000 revs I get a littler surge of power a rattle from the engine and black smoke as if it was over fueling, over 2000 revs just cruising you get an intermittent tick/rattle and a puff of black smoke if I accelerate hard I get a lot of intermittent rattling and black smoke,
I thought it my have been the Injectors mucking about so took them out had them refurbished and changed the air and breather filters put all back together again every thing was ok for nearly two weeks no problem but now it come back again to haunt me.
Cheers JG
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This section is for introductions only. Yer be betterer to post technical questions over in the safety of the Freelander section, over ere:
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Hi Hippo
thanks for bringing this to my attention I released this after a few hours after I’d put the post on, I’ve put the same question on the relevant part of the Forum under land rover Freelander

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