
Hi Lando's, the back seat rest driver seat, left side bolster has retracted behind the seat frame and the base seat has flattened out to a point. My quest to find replacement squibs draws to a blank. Can anyone help please. Direct me to a retailer whom may sell these items cheaper than the main stealer or am I better off buying another seat for the foams. My search is at an end or hit a wall at least, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
As above. Only LR supply seat parts, although most parts are NLA. So your best bet is to find a good second hand replacement, and install that to your seat frame, or swap the whole seat. Just make sure the replacement you get is identical to that fitted to the vehicle, so avoid issues with wiring.
As above. Only LR supply seat parts, although most parts are NLA. So your best bet is to find a good second hand replacement, and install that to your seat frame, or swap the whole seat. Just make sure the replacement you get is identical to that fitted to the vehicle, so avoid issues with wiring.
Thanks mate. Yeah, when I've looked online, I didn't realise how expensive they are from the main stealer and trying to buy a second hand seat without buying the set is near on impossible, thanks for the reply, the search continues.

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