Hi chaps.

I’m looking for a hard copy Freelander 2 manual for my 2014 model. Ideally I’d like it to cover issues such as the Haldex and PTU as well as the usual servicing etc.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please? I’m assuming a Haynes manual is more DIY based and not workshop?

The workshop manual is enormous, and so only available in a soft copy. LR don't show repair procedures on driveline components, as that's outside the scope of "fitters" in workshops these days. LR replace components, not repair them. There is actually a diff repair guide, but that's unusual. Again it's only in a soft copy.
Haynes don't show driveline component repair procedures any more either.
The workshop manual is enormous, and so only available in a soft copy. LR don't show repair procedures on driveline components, as that's outside the scope of "fitters" in workshops these days. LR replace components, not repair them. There is actually a diff repair guide, but that's unusual. Again it's only in a soft copy.
Haynes don't show driveline component repair procedures any more either.
Ok thanks for the info!
I have a pdf from the Free Software Foundation in the USA
You'll probably have to register - Can't remember how I did it now. 398mb

Also what may be a hooky copy of the LandRover factory manual, again sourced free online. 129mb

Can't say if they've got exactly what you need.

Too big to email and not too sure how to get them to you. I can (just about!) use WeTransfer if you pm me with an email address, or is there some other way?

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