
New Member
Greetings all

As new member ,my enquiry is about the Freelander 2 i6 HSE I have recently purchased which to me is a luxury vehicle, it was purchased as new by the first owner in June 2007. I understand that the Freelander 2 was launched in September and went on sale in November 2006. I am confused by the Land Rover model year on Freelander `s, how does it run January to January? Or is it perhaps August to August can anyone please explain how it works

I am looking for the appropriate original brochure’s, I have some, is anyone able advise me of the correct brochure identity numbers issued by Land Rover , plus any idea of where I can get a build date I did write to Land Rover about 3 weeks ago but no reply yet . I tend to keep our cars for a long time and this one looks like a keeper, my first auto box and traffic queues are so much easier now

Many thanks

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