
New Member
Hi. I put the key in my Freelander this morning (didnt start it) and realised I’d left my glasses inside. I opened the door and it made the ting noise so I took the key out and ran inside. 2 mins later it wouldn’t start. No click noise when the key fob pushes into the dock- nothing. It’s done this once before, similar thing (opening the door with key in ignition) but managed to right itself after a few hours. It’s still not working this evening - any ideas? I really need it for work and it’s an absolute pain! (But love it still).
Thanks 😊
Try disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. This normally resets random errors that occur.
Now that's odd. Just read notification that this thread had reply 'Tomorrow at 07.42' ? 🤔
On your preferences, there's a Timezone which might explain it.

That post was made at 18:42 Sunday here, which means 07.42 there. If I had posted at 07.42 here, it would be tomorrow in the UK. Mind you, when the clocks change, it all gets complicated!
You think with the advancement of computer generated vehicles, a Battery Reset Button 🔘 is not par of the course.
Imagine being a Freelander hairdresser with several hairy navy blokes desperate for drying off. Faced with bending over the engine bay with a selection of tools. You have in front of you a BRB flashing a throbbing glowing red light. At least painted fingers nails will be safe.
Unless this is already thought of for the Evoques.
Burly Throgbaggs.
Hi, just had the same issue on my f2 2009, halfway through France and as has been suggested I disconnected the battery and hey presto back to life. Thx 🙏🏻 glitches...

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