
New Member

I have a freelander 2 which I have had for a year now (2010 reg, 85k miles). I have had all sorts of problems with it in that time (including new brakes all round, new rear bearing and new rear diff). Recently, it has been making a strange sound when I have been turning the steering wheel from the front wheels - its sounded like the wheels aren't turning properly, almost like they're stuck, and sometimes it also feels like I'm driving over rumble strips at the same time. This does stop when I straighten the wheel but the wheels sounding like they're not turning happens every time I move the steering wheel.
I has been to a garage twice now (not a LR one as my closest is over an hour away) and they can't seem to find the problem. The closest thing they can think of is it is a front diff however they can only seem to source the part from LR themselves and have been quoted over £2500 for this.
They have recommended a small garage near by to get a second opinion which is run by 2 old LR technicians but I was wondering if anyone has had anything similar and if so, what was the prognosis? I can't afford to keep throwing money at the car as I am a student but also I need it as I use is as a towing vehicle and my (large) lurcher comes everywhere with me in it.

Sorry for such a long post, thank you!
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