
New Member
Hi all

this is my first post so please be gentle with me.

I have a 1998 L series 2.0DTi freelander with 140k on clock and still going strong - however...
Drove it to work as I have for the last year and a half no problems, come out from work and start it up to find no power steering, and no brakes, snapped ancillary belt I thought. Ancillary belt had come off the pulleys but had not snapped, pondering what to do I decided to drive the 17miles home and sort it out later. Later on I removed the plastic side panel to view the other pulleys and this is where it gets good - the crankshaft pulley complete with bolt still through it was sitting on the belly pan. I could see a keyway for a woodruff key to fit into the crankshaft but nothing like that on the pulley and besides that there was no sign of the key anywhere. So I slapped the pulley back on the end of the crankshaft stuck the car in reverse and tightened it back up as tight as I could manage so tight I actually turned the engine over a few times. Drove to work and back the next day no problems.

I told a friend my pulley had come off and he told me not to start the engine his face was a picture when I told him i'd driven it 17 miles home with the pulley off and 17 miles back to work having refitted the pulley.

What I really want to know is there any real harm in what i've done?
I did 22yrs in army 15yrs as an advance driving instructor you can get away with gearbox and hand brake quite safely unless of course some dickhead pulls in front of you and hammers the anchors on. In the good old days to pass your advance driving you had to drive a 250mile course with no brakes and no clutch you failed if you crashed or stalled the vehicle which was a 110 defender - horrible things

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