The next story in my Freelander 1 saga.
A few months ago I got a spare key $230 from the Aristocrat dealership in Kansas City. I waited a couple months and tried the key and it would not start. The original key still works fine. The key Aristocrap sold me only starts if I used the original imeddiate before the spare.

Here goes my third trip to the dealership 113 kilometers away for one spare key, like I got all the time in the world!

Aristocrap claim to have been sent the wrong key, they ordered another
4th trip they remove the chip from key and locate it near the module so now any hardware store can make a copy for $2.

They went to give me a bill above the $230 I already paid.
I replied
"I've driven almost 700 F@cking miles in the 4 trips and Your going to stick me with a god damn bill?!?!?!?
AH HELL NO!!!!!!!"
Aristocrap Motors seemed to dropped the charges and I signed some paper work and left. Now I gotta look over my shoulder in the event they make another attempt to stick me with a bill.
This is but one in the my Freelander 1 burden.

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