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Does this ring any bells for anyone = from a stop, with engine running, there is low level 'grumble' followed by strong smell of diesel in car.

Intermittent, and seems to only happen when doing stop/start around town.

My assumption is that an injector is releasing fuel that hasn't been atomised into the combustion chamber, that fuel is going out onto the hot exhaust and burning, giving me fumes.

I gave it a hammering down the motorway (and had to sell a kidney to pay for the fuel) and it improved. I suspect though, it will recur.

First thought is to whack some injector cleaner through it to see if it helps. However, maybe it's something else.
My first thought is the HP fuel pump is on the way out. Have a look with the engine running to see if you can see it coming from the the body of the pump. It's common enough to have happened on my TD4 three times in my ownership.
My first thought is the HP fuel pump is on the way out. Have a look with the engine running to see if you can see it coming from the the body of the pump. It's common enough to have happened on my TD4 three times in my ownership.

Thanks for that, I will check for it.

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