
New Member
Hi can anyone please help. I recently changed starter solenoid after not starting (following info on this site). After installing starter again now just a single click not starting. Checked battery voltage, 12.6, ran live cable direct from 12+ on battery to starter switch, still just click, cable braided over starter switch spade to live cable, just a click. No apparent fuses blown, under bonnet/below drivers steering wheel. Within car when I try to start dash shows faint battery light flickering, when turn ignition full on battery light on dash appears solid. Car starting every time prior to solenoid double clicking. Also no apparent power going to connecting cables on starter. I m not mechanically/electrically minded, please any answers in layman terms and would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
thanks nudge, if ignition switch switch failed, would power still be found at starter. If possible could you tell me what the single cable to alternator is used for, could I have maybe damaged taking starter in & out ?
The ignition start contact energises a relay in the engine bay fuse box, which then feeds the starter 15e terminal.
Thanks nudge, I’ve went through everything again, charged battery, checked connections. Now battery light on dash solid, if I arch starter with cable it turns over, however when I turn key full on nothing. No power coming to ignition switch cable for starter. Battery has been disconnected for about 2wks, could car be immobilised and need re-programmed?
Have you checked the relay in the engine bay fuse box is clicking, when the key is turned to the start position?

Have you checked the start position contact on the starter switch is giving battery voltage when it's turned?
Both of those are more likely than the immobiliser giving issues.

The immobiliser will sound a chime, if the key is turned to the start position, but not recognised my the immobiliser module.
So if it's not chiming, the immobiliser has authorised the vehicle to start, which it does by allowing battery voltage to feed the start relay in the engine bay fuse box.

The auto also has a start inhibitor in the transmission, which only allows an engine start when P or N is selected.

You might need to run a full system diagnostic on the auto inhibitor switches, which needs proper diagnostic equipment.
Yes, did checks, no power coming to ignition cable at startled when key in full turn on position, as you suggest think need full diagnostic check to check inhibitor switch, many thanks for your time and assistance.
Hi Nodge sorry to trouble again, did another few checks removed starter relay r2, it appears that there is no power going to the starter relay under bonnet, should one port not always be live and one of the 4 for switch ?

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