
New Member
Hi all,

New to forum but have been taking forum advice for a while now.

And great advice it is too.

Since buying my freelander TD4 (2002) I have been trying to find some chrome lettering for the "LAND ROVER" indented letters on the rear bumper.

No one seems to be selling these but I have been working with a chap for over 2 months now to try and perfect some quality sticky chrome vinyl lettering.

Started out with tracing the indented letters and sending off to him. The letters would arrive and I would measure and adjust to fit perfectly.

He must have tried about 5 times before perfecting the letters but eventually got it right and they look FANTASTIC (see photos).

Anyway, if anyone is interested here Is the link to his website. (I'm not trying to recommend or sell anything just thought you might like some for your freelander 1 too)


They look great and I think a great upgrade.
why on earth would you say that BIGGEEEEE - Im just trying to help other freelander owners.

As I stated in my post , I have looked everywhere for the chrome lettering.

Its not spam its helpful info - if your not interested that's ok with me.

Just showing you my freelander upgrade.
:welcome2: to LZ

i'll pass on the chrome letters..............cos i'm too busy trying to stop my k-series detonating:flame2:
why on earth would you say that BIGGEEEEE - Im just trying to help other freelander owners.

Its not spam

Simples - let me explain, it is SPAM.

You come to the forum with let's call it an 'Upgrade'

I wouldn't have thought it SPAM had you registered with the Forum many moons ago and had perhaps contributed prior to your post.

But - this is your first post and guess what you're trying to sell us something.

Advertisers usually have to pay to promote their bling - hence my determination that this is nothing but SPAM.

Spam or not! Who actually wants chrome on their bumper? It's bad enough trying to convince people it's not a Gaylander without giving them ammunition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
I did not realise there were so many opinionated intolerant people on this great forum.

That'll be because you have just turned up, if you had been here any length of time, you would know about all the intolerant opinionated people, blurry eck they are everywhere around these parts. :D:D:p:p

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