
New Member
I am really hoping for some help please. I am concerned that my local main dealer is taking the mickey as they keep changing their mind about what needs to be done to my poor Freelander. I have had the 'well you don't understand as you are a woman' type comments and am getting seriously hacked off.

I lost the only key and fob. Contacted the local main dealer who took the VIN number and gave me quotes for key, fob and programming. They said I would be given the EKA code when the key arrived so the car could be driven to them for programming of both key and fob. Key £93, fob £62 and programming £47. So I took in the V5 and ordered/paid for the key but when I collected the key the dealer said there was no EKA code for my model of Freelander so I would have to have it flatbacked to them by the AA (more cost).

I rang them today to arrange when to take it in for programming and happened to speak to a different member of staff from all my previous calls. He informed me that as I had none of the original keys (even though I had ordered a replacement key specific to my vehicle from the V5 details) I would also need to have a new ECU (£400 ish) as they cannot programme new keys to an existing ECU without have an original key?!

I am furious. What is the point of ordering a key specific to my car from the VIN information if it cannot be synced to the ECU. I had many calls with the dealer before ordering the key etc and they knew all keys were lost but told me the total cost would be for key, fob and programming. Now it is over £400 more and I am not sure I believe them that I need a new ECU.

Can anyone help me with this please as this is once heck of a mess

Many thanks


Sorry, I was not sure where to post this question. I am just desperate to get some replies and try to resolve this. Apologies once again. :confused:

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