
The saga started two weeks ago, I put it in for a MOT it passed but the servo started to hiss, Ok I got another servo and they fitted it.

So far so good, I came to drive it home it started and rev'ed fine but as soon as the clutch went in and the was load on the engine it just died away. Not instantly it didn't stall the rev's just fell away, there was no power but pushing the clutch in enabled the engine to rev freely again.

It's not smoking or doing anything else odd and as far as I know they have had it on the computer/test equipment.

So far they haven been able to find out what is wrong, I need suggestions asap cause I want it back!!

Many thanks for your help. aamcle
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If this has happened between going in for its MOT and leaving I would want to know how they did the brake test. If it was on a normal rolling road they could have stuffed your IRD or VCU, locking the lot up. A bit like giving a permenant 4 wheel drive a suspended tow. Other than that you might have a brake stuck on.
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