
Hi, just changed the wheelarch filter and pump. Disappointed that the new pump (from Ebay) is REALLY loud, and hearing the odd air bubble go through even though I've done a few miles. Anyway, I didn't know what the extra device was, as in the photo. Any ideas? It's a standard part, but extra to the pump, filter and sedimenter.


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Thanks, yea - I know, probably a false economy, but as it turns out the fault I'm trying to fix (surging/pulsing every second or so at tickover or whilst driving) didn't make any difference so at least I've not wasted the £120+. Next to change in order:
Fuel rail pressure sensor and harness
Maf/p sensor
Injector return pipes
Cam/crank sensor
Anything else or different order? EGR all cleaned out the other day and fault unchanged. Pulsing/hesitation very noticeable on tickover (no load) after blipping the throttle.

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