
New Member
Hi everyone

I was told by a friend today that my series 2 diesel would benifit by me fitting free wheeling hubs as i am running big wheels and tyres .

Would someone be so kind to explain to me what they do ?:confused:
What would i gain by fitting them ?

Many thanks chris
They allow yer wheels ter freewheel, oddly enough! So they're not also turning yer axles & prop.....................& the general consensus is they're pointless.

For the tiny gain, the expense of buying them, the fag of fitting them, remembering to engage them once in a while to splash a bit of oil around & remembering to engage them orf road (by which time they're muddy & slippery) it just isn't worth it!
and magnets on yer fuel line and a hyclone in yer inlet and a K&N air filter.
That'll be the consensus then!
I wont waste my money cheers guys

What the items below do they really work??

magnets on yer fuel line and a hyclone in yer inlet
Freewheeling hubs are worth it if you don't have much power to spare.
Its make a big difference to my landy and you notice it when they are engaged.
FWH reduce the friction / drag of turning the front drive train, less to turn less power needed better MPG. Give them a go, Keep the bits you take off in case you don’t like it.
Some modern 4x4 have automatic ones fitted as standard.
I reckon they're well worth fitting. Even if they only increase your mpg by a small percentage it'll be a worthwhile saving over the course of time. My mate has em on his S3 and reckons they make the steering feel better and cut a bit of noise from the front.
speshully the other week when yu tried power sliding into the trees;)

Crusty's a 44 Year old Landy with the original 2.25 engine.
There ain't no such thing as "POWER" about her.:rolleyes:

But i will concede that yes i forgot to engage them before we went down that lane and yes i got stuck.
But when i engaged them you must admit Crusty didn't need any help to get out.
i've got some fitted to me series 3, i think they do make a tiny difference when on the road but if i bough a new set and fitted them after listening to sales man's pish chat i'd probably be disapointed! :D

was chattin to an old manny the day while i winched my un-engine'd landy on to a trailer, he was sayin his neighbor is been building a steam powered landy!! he's been at it for years apparently!

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