
Well-Known Member
i havnt been able to get back to the UK for 2 years as we are not allowed to travel there so my range rovers are in storage over there.
Also interstate travel has been banned so i just been using my discovery 3 for a couple of trips up the coast on sealed roads.
Last time i went to Airlie Beach every time i floored it the black smoke that came from the exhaust so i put diagnostics on it and got a reading that the sensor on the turbo was not reading correctlyand then decided to look under the bonnet and found a 3 inc slit in the turbo hose so ordered and fitted new turbo hoses.I also decided to change to Auto trans fluid and filter as i was getting a bit of judder.
then the misses wanted to go whale watching down in Hervey bay so i said while we are down there we might as well go to Fraizer Island (the largest sand island in the world with about km sealed road)
After the whale watch we went to Inskip point and got the Manta Rae barge to fraizer to get to the barge you drive through soft sand and have to have a 4x4and once you get to the other side the same applies soft sand.
to drive a disco 3 on the island u practically have to use a check list when you start
set TRM to sand
select Hi mode on suspension
disable DRS
lower tyre pressure to 20psi or less some places you might need to go down to 12
then you are ready to go as long as the sand is not to deep or soft you might need low range
next thing is to make sure you watch your fuel gauge as my fuel consumpion went from about 30mpg down to 20mpg fuel is availble on the island but it is $2.30 a litre wher as it $1.35 on the mainland
anyway did about 400 km on the island and had a good time.
road rules are the same as the mainland and speeding fines can apply but u also need a vehicle permit to drive and also camping permits.
now im going to have to spend a week getting sand out of the car.

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