
soft and furry
Not much snow here so went up the road to the highest point in Dorset, fair bit of snow and the lane was covered in compacted ice, temperature -1c. Sailed up the hill no problem and stopped at the top to admire the view.

Heard another vehicle coming up the lane, then it went quiet. Couple minutes later heard it again, then again. Sensing someone was in trouble backed down the hill and found a P reg Disco stuck :eek:. The young couple had no idea why it wouldn't go up the hill, when I mentioned 'diff lock' they looked at me as if I was from the moon (I do look a bit weird, beard, trapper hat..... ).

Hooked on rope, told the guy to stay in high ratio 1st and not to accelerate, straight up the hill no problem. Which was not bad considering my D2 has road tyres (Enduro Runway HT), and the D1 had AT tyres. I'm guessing that my road tyres had more grip on the compacted ice than the AT tyres.

Guy thanked me, I told him to read his vehicles handbook and gave him the address of this site. So hopefully a lesson was learnt and I wont embarass him by giving his identity away, hopefully he will be visiting this site soon :)

bit like my mum...... has a 58 plate defender 90 and went she got stuck with the cattle trailer in a field she phoned me up and said i need a pull out

and tryed to tell me it hadnt got low range ............ and where diff lock on the gear stick..............

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