
Well-Known Member
I couldn't believe it! I fitted the new throttle body heater plate so had to remove the throttle body in order to clean up the mounting points, fair enough. Suffice to say, I found a tiny little mark on the throttle body as if someone had hit it with the tip of a flat screw driver, so a used emery paper to clean up the mating faces, then I applied sealer, stuck the new gasket to the sealant then applied some to the clean face and so on until I had screwed the new parts together.

So, imagine my surprise when I was putting everything back together I found the cause of months of feckin consternation :mad: A part made by one handed blind monkeys to keep the price down (well, pay them peanuts....) which looks like the Chinese would turn their nose up at how shit it is.

This is the part in question, upstream of the MAF, so once I spotted it, it was obvious it had been sucking in enough air to throw the ECU into confusion because it was under the impression the MAF was telling the truth, which it was. THIS is what created that misfire at just above idle...


You see the silver fastener holding the small pipe to the inlet pipe? It is aluminium and is about as tight as Donald Trumps grasp on reality.. The constant shimmying had destroyed the rubber washer/spacer (whatever?) between the pipe and the ....erm...."pipe?" The result being a massive enough air leak to cause a whole load of shite to hit my wallet o_O

So, between fixing the coolant leak and this air leak, my run back home from mates workshop was awesome :)

He did the oil & filters while I messed about with this easy bit and the sheer pleasure of driving a beautiful estate car of 17 years vintage with no hesitations was sufficient to plaster a massive grin on my coupon :cool:

So, just another thing to look for on your V8 when she's running a bit lean at "just on throttle" giving a little miss and I don't mean Jeanette Krankie either :p


You betcha :D
Took her out for a run today and got caught up in Friday traffic... It was brilliant :)

I mean the stop start traffic is fine, but then it moves a little faster so one needs to push the throttle a smidge further, but before it was stumble, hesitate, miss, miss, suuurrrrge. Annoying as hell :mad:

But now, smoother than a moon speech by Buzz Aldrin :cool:

Made better by the SONY at vol 32 and Bob Segers version of Downtown Train belting out the speakers :):)

Went and got m'laddo's chrissy pressie so it's stowed away safe an orl :D

Now all I need to do is wait for a call from any friends who are stuck in snow in their inferior 2WD cars :p
Went out in George last night, 1c and slippy. But my new found smooth pulling away and/or acceleration made for nice driving conditions :cool:

Going to see another mate in another garage who used to specialise in LPG so he's going over the bottom side to see what's missing (I removed the twin underslung tanks & replaced them with a full size petrol tank) and what's excess to requirements. He's also going to advise me what to buy so I can service the system under the bonnet. Wife said if I get George running on LPG we can use her to drive to the airport next year instead of her wee beastie Citroen C4...which is a great car, but too small to get in & out for a chap of my stature. Not to mention uncomfortable to drive 200 miles in :(

So, here's hoping. And now that I found my leak, it will help the LPG run smooth too so win win :)
Well done for finding that - I think that comes under "spoiling the ship for a ha'perth of tar" - good find :)

and is about as tight as Donald Trumps grasp on reality.

B@stard - spat me tea out all over the bl@@dy keyboard :eek: damn funny though, and sooo true :D
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