
New Member
I have been looking on the net and found a section near Castle combe to tetbury. Does anyone know if t is still open and usable for a d2 with at tyres?
Went on the fosse way today. Very mild on the main track but some deep rutted tracks which have been made. Only issue is the ford is about 3-4 feet at the mo and I haven't got a snorkel. Here's a pic of the ford


And my disco

Am in Nailsworth - always up for a crack. Was in Salisbury Plain today but keen to find lanes closer to home
Did the full length of the fosse way end of last year, it's pretty much entirely Tarmac roadplanings. Couple of water crossings which can get deep and a very short section that's a little bit of mud.

Admittedly I went in the dry spell but it was very tame

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