
New Member
Hi you all, this is all new to me so please forgive any errors of etiquette! I live in mid Cornwall, and could really use some help with my forum post plus any hints or tips on how best to use this site and make useful contributions. Hope you're enjoying the weather!

We users of Landy Zone always appreciate a formal introduction.

The best way for you to use the forum is firstly to make use of the search facility. Chances are that any questions you have will have been answered before.

Failing that, 'tis best to wear flak jacket and hard hat at all times whilst using the site, as we pride ourselves on our discerning nature and ability to sort wheat from chaff with curt dismissal of the latter.

Make friends, share experience, don't spit the dummy over trivial banter!

my pleasure
Thanks, my experience of my local off-road club has already drained me of sensitivity (mostly at the hands of 17 year old, 200 quid S***ki owners!) Too old and weary for the dummy but ta for the advice. Cheers n gone.
Heh, take what's thrown at you and sling some of it back .. ;)

If you do search and can't find the answer, then ask away, but have a good look for the appropriate heading. For instance, off-roading isn't green-laning and green-laning isn't off-roading, IYSWIM (If You See What I Mean) ;)

Enjoy .. :)
Yeah I get that, but then I used to think 200quid S***kis driven by 17 year olds would never kick 30grands worth of Shiny custom accessorised Landy arse! No pity for the tearful owner, big congrats to the 17 yr old with ginoferous cojones!!

I have now had a bit of a look on the site and all I need to do now is get outside, locate the ignition earthing point and fix it....simples??? Watch this space.

PS: the posh trayback was not mine; I just run with my slightly modded 90 200tdi.
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We users of Landy Zone always appreciate a formal introduction.

The best way for you to use the forum is firstly to make use of the search facility. Chances are that any questions you have will have been answered before.

Failing that, 'tis best to wear flak jacket and hard hat at all times whilst using the site, as we pride ourselves on our discerning nature and ability to sort wheat from chaff with curt dismissal of the latter.

Make friends, share experience, don't spit the dummy over trivial banter!

my pleasure

Here! Here! :D:welcome2:

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