Old Landys Rule

New Member
Hey guys,

Been around Land Rovers since '95. Dick (my Dad) bought an '84 plate 110 V8 and that was it. Hooked.

Got my '76 Series III 88" diesel in '01 and I've had a V8 Disco since, too. Oh yeah, also had an '83 Rangie but in true Land Rover enthusiast style, it sat on the drive for about a few years, waiting to be worked on, then got sold spares or repairs.

It's my Dad that's the REAL Landy horder - but he doesn't do 'online' that much.

Memorable Landy moment: fitting Dorothy's gearbox - after a quick inspection and reassemble - midnight the night before I was due to get her a fresh MOT AND catch a ferry to drive her to Poland, 6pm the same day.

I managed it, but... turns out Series synchro rings are sided and if you get 'em wrong they still fit but you have to hold the gearstick in place so it doesn't pop out every minute or so.

That was a fun 2400 mile round trip to South Eastern Poland :D

Looking forward to helping and learning.

Edit: Dorothy's my Series III - named after Wizard of Oz Dorothy because of the adventures she goes on.
Thanks everyone :) Good to be here.

A couple of my favourite photos from over the years:

Here's 'Uriah' the 110 V8, looking out over Catalunya somewhere...

And here's Dorothy the Series 3 diesel, swimming in Standon ford (and she had zero off-road mod's then - even shod in skinny road tyres, that worked better than you might think)...
Uriah cos it was a Heap, eh?
Love it!:):):)
Welcome to the asylum!:eek::eek::eek:
Judging by your profile, it looks as if you will be helping us a bit more than we would be helping you, with problems!:):):)

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