
Active Member
Hello to all fellow landy lovers, anybody got any useful advice and tips on laning in either France or Ireland, planing a trip soon, maps and markings do's and dont's all would be helpful.:cool:

I would like to do some laning in france and ireland as well. Do count me in when you're planning to go....


I like to try laning aboard must try englandshire one day

as for france knew of a club which went out, then found out you needed the mayor permission for each lane you wish to go on, nightmare with all the different districts and the like

don't know if its still truenow was a few years ago, what they did find out that the recovery oganistaions are not to keen to bring back broken trucks if the cost in there estimates exceeds the cost of the vechicle, they got one back but took 4 weeks
Cheers for that lads, but i think it would be ireland instead as i have been doing some homework and france does seem to be a bit difficult, ireland on the other hand seems to be a free zone for landys as far as my findings are showing with regards to my irish contacts. will keep you posted if it comes off...

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