
Active Member
I have just to reassemble my Landy after stripping it back to the chassis. When taking out the engine and gearbox we did separate it and asumed that when reassemling it it would just be a case of mating it back together. We never removed / tampered with the clutch and assumed it would be straightforward.

We have filled the system and bled it. When depressing the pedal the "plunger"? does go down, but we cannot select a gear. We have bled the system again but still none the wise. On the basis that we didn't tough the clutch when it was dismantled we assumed there was not anything to do to it.

Could anyone point me in the right direction of what to look at next?

Check that the shaft going into the bellhousing is actually rotating - could the release sleeve have fallen out before reassembly? Presumably there's an inspection plate on the bellhousing like the S3 - take it off, you should be able to see if the release sleeve is there and moving.
Steve, has the clutch been on the engine long?? Its possible the friction plate is stuck/corroded to the flywheel slightly. Mine was after a couple of months I put it in gear clutch depressed and used the starter to crack its hold. careful tho some clutch plates can really hold on and it can take a bit of shifting way more than a starter can provide.

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