
New Member
[font=Arial, Verdana] Today I ran over the thread that comes off tractor trailer tires on the highway. I was lucky because I only broke the right (passenger) side fog lamp. Could have been worse, I've seen these things bend fenders, tear other stuff, etc.
I am writing because the only things left of the lamp are two hoses. At first I thought they were vacuum lines, which didn't make sense on a lamp, but upon inspection, they seem to be some kind of respirators. By this I mean that they seem to just go up on the side of the radiator and then curve down without connecting to anything. Kind of like the exhaust vents on toilets. The left lamp seems to also have these. Does anyone know what function they could possibly serve?
If anyone have one for sale cheap :), please let me know (1995 RR 4.0 P38)

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