The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Does anyone know somebody who has recently swapped out their rusty old green 90/Defender doors, or have any idea who these old doors, door seals, battery and bags of rubbish might belong to??
They have been fly tipped on the side of the Oxdrove byway near Win Green, it'd be nice if the asshole who did this could either take it to the tip or weigh it in for scrap instead.
Whoever you are, you're a lazy bastard!

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Just seen this on FB too .. absolutely no need for it ..
That battery is worth about £4 in scrap.
They had to drive to fly tip it, so they could just as easily driven to a legit yard, and got paid.

Some people are so busy trying to get one over that they shoot themselves in the foot whilst doing it.
this also winds me up beyond belief

there's simply no excuse for it and agree they could have least flytipped it outside of the local dump gates

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