Well-Known Member
Afternoon everyone

Although I'd love a defender 90, economics just aren't playing ball currently as I'm now commuting to bakewell from leicestershire 2 or 3 times a week to visit my better half and after sunday's return journey though a near white out blizzard I found the Skoda isn't going to cut the mustard so I'm tempted with a freelander 2 to keep costs reasonable

Early stages at the moment as I have to sell the skoda but my budget all being well is £6500 but the majority of FL2's at that range seem to start at the the 140,000 mile area but seem to be lower spec'd ones.

so my question is 2 fold:

1)what is the maximum mileage thats acceptable when buying a FL2?
2) would I be better off buying a FL1 with lower mileage and change from the £6.5k to sort any tyre/transmission issues?

Thanks in advance
get a FL1 with the BMW TD4 and it will be older cheaper and lower mileage

I have in total with fixes spent £6k on one with <100k on it and its a good vehicle.

Well it is NOW. It was pre-hated I think. :)

Buy an FL1 at 5k or less and spend the extra on sorting al the issues it WILL have.
I think the FL2s have another few years depreciating to do. I personally wouldnt want a massive mileage one as it will be very hard to sell on in a few years time. Whatever the faults will be as they wear out, it wont be cheap to fix.

Nice cars though, will get through a lot, the automatic offroad settings work a treat, will pull a 1-ton trailer across ploughed field and comfortably cruise motorways

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