Well-Known Member
Morning, my new to me 2010 GS FL2 has a slightly annoying habit of taking a few seconds or so to drop its revs back down to the standard idle level of about 950 ish rpm, only holds them at no more than 1100 and its only for a couple of seconds when sat in traffic that i notice it after moving forward in a Que, dropping into neutral does no difference and if you blip he throttle it does the same.

should say runs fines, pulls fine doesn't hunt or miss at any point in the revs

Any help welcome
I'd say it's pretty normal for the revs to hold just above idle, until the EDC has worked out the load on the engine, and adjusted the idle RPM to suit. Mine also takes a second or so to settle to idle. Our 68 plate Mazda CX5 does this too, although this runs at up to 1500 RPM, depending on engine temperature.

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