
Hullo lads.

I've been having my '99 DI 2.0 for a couple of years now.

I couldn't find that info in the manual, so I wonder if you would like to help me?

Any advise on how often shall I change these:

- Breaks fluid
- Transmission fluid
- Power steering fluid
- Timing belt and rollers
- Engine coolant
- Aux belts, etc.

I change the engine oil and the filters annually (I do less than 10K km per year) and I changed all of the others just after I bought the car. Did I leave anything that needs to be maintained as well?

Your advice is appreciated.

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- Breaks fluid = 2 yearly
- Transmission fluid = 60K miles
- Power steering fluid = no scheduled change but I'd change with coolant.
- Timing belt and rollers = 60K miles
- Engine coolant = 5 years with OAT
- Aux belts, etc. = As needed but 60K miles would be sensible.
Be very careful of the AUX belt tensioner - its the 'weak link' in L Series. It fails and throws the belt which gets caught up in the pulley and throws the cambelt - result is an engine that's often uneconomical to fix. I know you've changed the AUX belt, dunno if you changed the tensioner - keep an eye on it!
btw - the 60K miles / 100K kms replacement interval on the belts should be all 3 - ie cambelt, aux belt and fuel pump belt - plus their tensioners etc.
Be very careful of the AUX belt tensioner - its the 'weak link' in L Series. It fails and throws the belt which gets caught up in the pulley and throws the cambelt - result is an engine that's often uneconomical to fix. I know you've changed the AUX belt, dunno if you changed the tensioner - keep an eye on it!

Your warning is duly noted. I've changed the tensioners - that's what I meant when I said "rollers". Didn't know the technical term for that. As a matter of fact, they were pretty much spent...

Also do you think changing the belts/tensioners at 50K km rather than 100K is doing it a wee too early? We have some really chilly winters in here and I personally think this would have a noticeable effect on the belts' life...


P.S. A happy new year, everybody!
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Your warning is duly noted. I've changed the tensioners - that's what I meant when I said "rollers". Didn't know the technical term for that. As a matter of fact, they were pretty much spent...

Also do you think changing the belts/tensioners at 50K km rather than 100K is doing it a wee too early? We have some really chilly winters in here and I personally think this would have a noticeable effect on the belts' life...


P.S. A happy new year, everybody!
I've not heard of cambelts or fuel pump belts going within their maintenance schedule - that over a couple few years on this forum. The only thing I've heard of is the aux belt going and the associated grief. That happens 'regularly' (if not often) and to people who would be up on their maintenance - so a 50k km change on the aux belt & kit would not be being to anal about it!

Earlier this year we had family coming over to stay with us and we were going to tour round the South Island in the Freelander. Just before they arrived I started hearing strange noises from the engine. I checked everything out, including the aux stuff and it looked OK - so as it was so near to them arriving I had the cambelt and kit changed - even though it had only been a couple of years and 35K kms since they were changed. TBH I'm sure it wasn't needed as although the sounds went, they were replaced by other noises and neither of these noises could be heard by anyone other than me! Sure I was just being paranoid :) But at least I felt comfortable and the car performed fantastic for their trip.

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