
Just been over Marlow Bridge (3 Tonne limit) and been given a fixed penalty £50 ticket as the GVW is 3050 kg i.e. 50kg over. The actual weight of the car with me in it at the local weighbridge was 2660 kg - I will be contesting this but has anyone else contested and won??
Not a chance, its clearly marked as a 3T GVW on the signs (just looked on good street view) you were over 3T GVW...

Ooops, regularly go over in the Defender - thx for the heads up, was this a camera ticket or what....?!?! A
you could try, but the sign isnt a 3T vehicle weight restriction, its a 3T MGW,


So whatever the vehicle actually weighs, its max gross weight is still in excess of the 3T, apparently they are cracking down on it on this bridge, as its doing damage.
What a croc of ****e!

In my eyes it's been set at 3 tonne so that all cars can cross but commercials such as my sprinter cannot as it's 3500kg max.

I think it is unfair that you have been given a ticket, but how were thy to know you were not carrying a full load & passengers? Hence them going on max weight.

I would still send them a letter & contest it. In all fairness most people won't know the MGW of their car, would imagine lots of women in 4x4s such as my mrs will be getting a ticket!

If you want a chuckle, ask your mrs how much she thinks her car weighs :eek:
It was a set of police/community support officers pulling people (Land Rovers) over as they came over the bridge into Marlow - I was told they will be repeating over the coming weeks...after discussion with Polcie they are acting to local complaints (Marlow Town Council?) so I'm tempted to just avoid Marlow completely it's a shame but I can take my business elsewhere.....
What a croc of ****e!

In my eyes it's been set at 3 tonne so that all cars can cross but commercials such as my sprinter cannot as it's 3500kg max.

I think it is unfair that you have been given a ticket, but how were thy to know you were not carrying a full load & passengers? Hence them going on max weight.

I would still send them a letter & contest it. In all fairness most people won't know the MGW of their car, would imagine lots of women in 4x4s such as my mrs will be getting a ticket!

If you want a chuckle, ask your mrs how much she thinks her car weighs :eek:

Possibly, but more and more vehicles exceed 3T GVW now, alot of 4x4s as well as some people carriers (sedona, voyager to name 2)

The limit is there, and ignorance is no excuse.

They have been doing it for a while according to google, to start with turning people back "educating" them apparently, but more recently fining.
blimey that sucks,

bet the Chelsea tractors wont be pleased

hands up and being honest i wouldn't have given that a second thought , at least one consolation for having a hippo
I'm a bit puzzled by this, a private Land rover is not plated with a GVW and will rarely run at or even near it's GVW. Virtually no owner would know the GVW so it seems a bit unfair to me. As you have been on the weighbridge, and I assume you have a print out, I would contest it on the grounds that you were under the safe weight limit.
I wrote them a very nice letter :) with a copy of the weighbridge results and then went on holiday. Came back and they have let me of with a caution after speaking to the officer who issued the ticket... unlike a few of the Range Rover/Discovery drivers I didn't have a complete fit when they issued a ticket nor call them jobsworths. I thought the guy behind me was going to have a heart attack....
Unfortuntely I won't be using the bridge again.
That's a pain in the arse. mind you, was always a bit of a squeeze getting through the bollards without catching something
They have to set the limit somewhere.... It just happens to be you that's on the wrong side of it
I have no knowledge of this location but I think you will find that it's common practice for the law to go by the stated gvw/gvm of any vehicle or trailer, regardless of the actual weight at the time of the alleged offence. A classic scenario is that of empty/lightly laden goods vehicles (ie Transits etc) whose gvw/gvm is over two tons & exceeding 60mph on a dual-carriageway :mad:
It was a set of police/community support officers pulling people (Land Rovers) over as they came over the bridge into Marlow - I was told they will be repeating over the coming weeks...after discussion with Polcie they are acting to local complaints (Marlow Town Council?) so I'm tempted to just avoid Marlow completely it's a shame but I can take my business elsewhere.....

Hold on hold on are you saying that a Pcso flagged you down and stopped you at the side of the road ?????????
you could try, but the sign isnt a 3T vehicle weight restriction, its a 3T MGW,


So whatever the vehicle actually weighs, its max gross weight is still in excess of the 3T, apparently they are cracking down on it on this bridge, as its doing damage.

Er..... "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"?
Just looked at the GVW on my LWT's V5 and it states 3560, surely this is wrong, any idea what it should be? Ta in advance.
Just looked at the GVW on my LWT's V5 and it states 3560, surely this is wrong, any idea what it should be? Ta in advance.

GVW on V5s is often wrong, eg most older LWB Landys V5s state 3499kg but it's more to do with tax and test class than the actual GVW.

Check the VIN plate for what the manufacturer states

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