
Active Member
hi all :)
another question regarding fitting and safety, i be doing front prop and this is regarding car on slight incline on drive and with handbrake on transmission.
now im thinking front up on axles would car be fine with hand brake on and wheels chock would this be fine. as ive read somewere car can move once prob discconnected. not sure if im being a bit over top with these questions as ive never done this before. any infor appreciated
Front up on stands and rears chocked will be fine. Push chocks in place release hand brake then reapply!
Chock wheels put transfer box in neutral gearbox in neutral this will allow the prop to spin to get at the bolts.easy enough job
get the proper tool to remove nuts off prop bolts its alot easier than having to rotate the prop to find heads
If you dont feel safe with the front in the air,jack one wheel up,turn the prop to get to the bolt then jack down again.
Repeat untill shaft is off.

ive no problem going under the car on axles ,ramps etc.think it it was the thought of removing the pro and knowing the brake is on the rear prop to trasmission. now that ive be given instructions i be fine knwing the car wont move even when wheels are chocked. and for the tool ive seen them on the bay and paddocks. thanks again for all comments everyone ta
it ant rocket science :D
it allows you to use a rachet and a full turn instead of of a part turn of the nuts plus you shouldnt have to turn the prop round ;)

So you can fit that over any nut regardless of position on the prop?
Nut on the top of the front of the drive shaft,that will fit on and give me a full turn,without rotating the shaft?

not the bolt heads sill have to use a spanner to hold them the rear nuts the 4 that join the shaft to flange does that make sence ? faceing backwards if front shaft

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