
New Member
As my viscous unit has packed up, I am in the midst of fitting a pair of Kenlowe's to my V8 90. I need advice in 2 areas:

1. Is it possible to remove the threaded unit attached to the water pump pulley onto which the viscous unit mounted? It looks like it will foul the Kenlowe's

2. Can anyone recommend the best way to physically mount the Kenlowe's once they are in their frame? I've assembled the fans and the upper and lower straps, but attaching the U brackets to them and then to the body looks like a real pain. Any suggested shortcuts?

Many thanks
I fitted a Pacet fan to the 110 which attaches direct to the radiator with special ties and rubber buffers. In my case this did lead to leaks at the contact points and I have been reluctant to mount the Pacet back onto the new rad this way. (even without the viscous it never seems to overheat with the new rad ayway!)In fairness I believe this method is OK if the ties are kept real tight and my rad was maybe on its way out anyway.

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