
New Member
Alright just wondering if anyone knows the best place to fit second battery as will be fitting winch soon as i can afford winch and bumper so wanna try and get it all ready.

Oh yeh 300tdi
Well I have fitted mine in the second battery tray on the n/s/f of the motor
means you have to move a few things but seems the most logical place to me.

but you will have to find somewhere else then to carry the jack and wheel chock.
plus its easiest place for adding all the wiring need :)
any ore info please on how to do it?

Yes put the battery in place and run 1 black and 1 red battery cable to the original battery. and connect up. If fitting a split charge system fit that at the same time following the instructions supplied with it?? :rolleyes:
1 more thing to add to Red - you'll need to make some sort of clamp to hold the battery in place as well.
Definitely a good idea to wire in a split charge relay - search Common Faults and Questions for a good guide to it by Mad Hat Man. I was always told that if two batteries are left connected together for any length of time they will discharge through each other until you have two flat batteries.
Easy quick way to fit battery is as I said b 4 then make sure you have a gfood ground point pref on the chasis or go str acroos to the other battery with a good heavy neg cable best bet is get one off a scrapper most yards will either give it you or charge u a quid ;)

now get you self a good heavy duty relay at least 100 amp or so I got 1 from my landrover parts guy for 12 squid wire this in to the car so as the contacts connect the positive sides of the battery togther and then run a whire from the batt light terminal on your alternator to one side of the coil on the relay the from the other side of the coil down to ground on the chasis again.

Now when the engine is running both battry's will apear as one to the altantor and charge but soon as you turn off the ingine the batterys wll disconnect and you can run what you like of the aux bat without flattening the main engine battery.

Please make sure you use very big cables for all the battery connections or you will just melt something maybe even set it on fire. I have used second hand ground and starter motor cables which I got free from me local scrappy ;)

if you want a wiring diagram I can draw you one on request by pm

hope this helps
Do wat he says with relay and connections!

On me Elmer I located second battery, behind the N/S headlamp moving the jack and chock behind the engine fuse box. all fits nice, but the jack has to be at its lowest to fit under bonnet, battery strap through the inner wings, just like the main battery, and if second battery too big for space, you can move the power steering tank to another location, or just add an extension piece and take it further back and out of the way.
Putting it there also means that you can connect direct to the alternator with a huge cable rather than run it round the engine bay, just use a relay to seperate batteries when engine off

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