mick the builder

Well-Known Member
I've had the seats in for a while but always found it difficult to get to the battery so when I decided to replace the broken heating elements, I thought it would be a good time the rework the seat.
The sliders in the original base were grinding back and forth because of the plastic guides and rollers within the frame had broke.
20220411_133844.jpg I couldn't get replacements so decided to try and use the sliders on the original seats.
I started by drilling out the rivets that held the sliders on the rx8 seats and cutting off a small lip of metal bent down on the front of one of the rails.
I bolted down he original sliders to the seatbox and sat the rx8 seat on top to position it. I wanted to keep the centre seat so it was a bit awkward getting it right. It turned out I needed to weld to flat 3mm bars to the rx8 seat. One was 2 inches the other 2 1/2inches.20220415_115456.jpg20220415_115434.jpg
I then drilled and bolted this down in the existing holes in the rails.
As I wanted the seat base removable like the original, an engineer friend of mine gave me some 8mm threads with a 10mm shaft bolts which I cut the heads off and used these as positioning studs. I just had to drill the holes out to 11mm in the front seat brackets. I also strengthened the front but putting in a bit of threaded stud as support for the sides.20220415_120922.jpg 20220415_115608.jpg 20220415_115601.jpg 20220415_115505.jpg 20220415_115456.jpg Now the base can be lifted out quick and easy to get to the battery compartment.

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