
I'm not special I'm limited edition
Does anyone have any experience of 'Allmakes' fuel pumps for a TD5?

I need to get a replacement for mine and just wandered if they're worth the money?

Also does anyone have the dimensions for cutting an inspection hole in the rear of a 110 to enable me to access the fuel pump?

I'm hoping to cut a round hole with an air nibbler and fit a proper inspection hatch as used on boats. Summit along the lines of these.

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To enable me to get away with having a small inspection hatch I'm going to need to be pretty accurate with where I make the hole.:eek::eek:
I finally got around to changing the in tank pump on my 110 today. A big thanks to Fanatic for coming over with the extra pair of hands and tools.:high5:

As per DerekT's post (Cheers for that Derek:)) we measured 530mm in and 380mm across from the left of the rear door. (Due to the size of the bore scope being bigger than the size of the pilot drill for the hole cutter we actually drilled the initial hole at 500mm).



We then used it to insert a bore scope to check the position was ok.....


The position of the wooden chest bolted in the back of my 110 meant a bit of juggling with the actual position to drill the 165mm hole. (We moved the position over to the right by around an inch)



Due to mine being a special vehicles build we had to get through ali cargo sliders, 8mm marine ply and then the rear floor. After drilling these out we were left with the strengthening braces.....

we chopped through them so far using the hole cutter but due to my hole being off centre we had to finish them off by hand to be sure we weren't going to cut into the top of the fuel tank. You should be ok if you are cutting the hole in the correct position but it's better to stop regularly and check.

We found that using the drill in reverse while cutting out the supports stopped the cutter from snagging. It did bugger up the teeth though.....



We then unclipped the fuel pipes and the electrical multi-plug


once the pipes were out the way we unscrewed the retaining ring, withdrew the old pump and inserted the new one.


Be careful not to snap the small plastic pipe sticking up from the top of the pump. It was a PITA to get the retaining ring on top of the new fuel pump without catching it due to the pressure of the pumps spring and the fact that the tank was full.

After scewing the retaining ring back down, refitting all the pipes and the multi-plug we then fitted the inspection hatch.

The one I used is a waterproof one from a boat. The external diameter on the one I used was 205mm, the cut out diameter was 165mm and the opening diameter is 160mm



In hindsight I wish I'd got the black inspection hatch as I rekon the white one will get dirty pretty quickly.

Apart from that I rekon I have a nice neat looking job.:cool2::cool2::cool2:

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