
Hi, ive got a D reg 90 and want to fit a radio to it, does anybody know anyone or anywhere i could possibly get one from?

Cheers, jack
just in case this is a serious question ebay does sell pretty much any radio you could be after mate :doh:
If your more asking about fixing into a 90 then you have a few options:

Get a centre cubby box and fix in there, get some speakers and fix to the rear bulk head

Fix into 'dash' if you want it to look really good get one of those 'mudstuff' (i think it is) consoles.

Speakers can also go on the roof, in the back, anywhere really, either get ones in a plastic housing or build a little box for them.
I'm thinking of getting some diesel for my 90.

Does anyone know where I might be able to get some from?

have you tried the local haulage company, if you go about 2am and give the security guard a nice drink he'll unlock the pump for ya.

(Joking by the way)

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