
New Member
I have just fitted a new allard oversized intercooler on my defender 300tdi but have now found the temp gauge going into the red, I thought it might run a little higher, as the intercooler sits infront of the radiator.
Has anyone fit one of these and did they have the same problem or could it be a total coincidence?.

Cheers Liam :mad: :mad:
Hiya Liam

I have a fern intercooler on my 300tdi - my exp was quite the oposite the whiole thing really runs cooler

One thing i did have put on when a had the conv was a new radiator as the old one had seen better days.

my set-up is similatr to your full width intercooler sitting in-fornt of the rad.

I asume you have checked for air-locks in the colling system?

personally i would start of the cheep way remove 6 replace the temp heating sensor & thermostat should cst no more than a tenner combined of course check your cooling system is moveing

but in cases get on the phone to allard

did you get it through allsports and buy direct?

all the best & cooler trails


Thanks for the reply Abe

I have not yet checked for air locks but I have noticed one side of the radiator is cooler than the other and also when the engine is hot with engine switched off you can spin the fan freely, not sure this is supposed to happen.
Also when the temp gauge goes sky high the radiator does not seem to bubble over.

Cheers Liam
Mornin Liam

Hope things sought out

I know from mine - the engine generally runs very cool (very cool) so much so that for normal running about it doesnt need cooling and i opnly switch the fan on when used sustained in the low bow off road.

what with the oil cooler in the the rad and the inproved ventilation due to the intercooler - you should really havent any problems with me my problem was a faulty temp sender unit plus the fact that sime din-bat had taken the themostat out (although that didnt effect the cooling but rather the warming)
doint for get to warm the ensgine upp then slacken & remove the plastic plug SLOWLY on the front top side of the motor when you are tying to get any air out of the system let the motor run that shold get rid on any air then tighten it up again

should work

happy trails


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