Hello there...i live in the North East just west of Newcastle....can anyone direct me towards a competant,reasonabley priced landy know it all mechanic who can help me do the once over and help me get my 97 110 hardtop prepared for the long run into Africa....foundation checks and some feed back on typical stress points then bolting on of much bling stuff...Ta....Daz
Check this out for overland prep. Old couple going to namiba for 6 months been to Africe a few times for shorter trips. They seem to know what their doing. Our Africa Trip

Only thing is it starts on the last page and you have to work ur way up the page and backwards confused me for a while.
:eek: Hello Daz, I am a spanner weilding land rover nutter and actually live in sunny Darlington and I'm also on with rebuilding me 92 110 from scratch if I can be of any help let me know.


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