
So this is my first attempt at Land Rover ownership, I made sure to go the extra mile and get the rustiest example I could find (it's a long story actually)

So to start with


Got it back to my workshop to start seeing how bad things were

And the answer is...very



And this is as far as I've gotten

Hoping to get the strip down finished in the new year and get started on rebuilding axles etc

I'm pretty new to Land Rovers apart from fixing the odd Range Rover and Disco 2/3 at my old job, so this will be a learning curve
Welcome to Landyzone! It's good to see another restoration and another one going back on the road. I've got a thread going on about my rebuild at the moment so have a look and hopefully I can make all the mistakes first and then you won't have to. Good luck.

I've just had a read through your thread, good to see what i'll be encountering and I'll be following your one with interest also

I'll hopefully be getting a diesel heater in the next week or so to help with the winter enthusiasm (lack of), but I'll be moving to a bigger workshop in the next month or I'm deliberating whether to start now and transport it in kit form or tow it across to the new shed in the state it's in

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