
Active Member
Somehow I've ended up leading a group of novice greenlaners myself included on a trip out in a few weeks.

None of us are neds though and all have plenty of pay and play experience so are used to our cars etc.

I have done plenty of research and am happy that I have picked some good starter lanes. Have also looked at glass website and we will be following there guidelines as well as being well equipped, phones food tools spares and 2 x hgv mechanics :)

The point of this ramble is are there any differences between driving at a pay and play taking into account the above and driving greenlanes and if so what are they?

Also any trips for a novice group leader?

green lane are public roads so must be driven with care
the rules we use
1 no more than 6 in a group
2 drive no more that 10mph on lane
3 be courteous to other users ie walkers "smile and wave"
4 stick to lane "no off'piste driving"
5 have fun

and if a lane looks undriverble always better to back out or turn round than keep going and getting stuck
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Don't try to do too much. Sounds odd, but it's easy to try chasing the lanes rather than enjoying it!

If there are ladies in the group, don't do as I do and make them go bush, but try to figure at least two 'proper' toilet stops .. and a set time for lunch!! (I'm learning, SueW) ;)

Try to keep the leader and last man in cb radio contact at least. This helps keep the group together when junctions and traffic try to doctate otherwise and is 'immediate' not a phone/text call. It also helps to call out whether lane gates were open or need closing .. Leave gates in the state they were in when you came across them ...

Enjoy it .. ;)
As above ;)

Sometimes (OK most times LOL) laning is about taking in the views, going where normal cars don't, not necessarily about extreme angles and winching recoveries.

Never ever ever do the last lane.

If anyone suggests 'lets just do one more' DON'T!!

It is cursed and will lead to severe pain and arse ache or breakdown.

Also, and this is a big also. Just because somebody at some point has decided to go and have a jolly and rip up a part of the lane to make it more interesting. You do not follow!

Simple. The lanes maybe be boring and flat or whatever, that's because they are not pay and play site. they are roads.

This kind of thing is very wrong.

Sorry if this sounds harsh but it is very necessary.
Don't need to worry in that respect. I have a secret identity, I am also a what you guys call a bobely.

I've seen the mess made by knobs like that and its caused a couple of my favorate places to be out of bounds due to landowners rightly getting the hump.

Not that walkers are compleatly innocent theres probuably the same proportion of them (neds) who ruin it for everyone.
Don't need to worry in that respect. I have a secret identity, I am also a what you guys call a bobely.

Kudos to you for admitting that on here Sir! :cool: :tea:

So, now that we have an insider... do the neds ruin it for everyone? Just curious - I mean a vehicle can easily tear up the landscape as we have seen (I wan't too sure where the proper road goes in those pics FK!) but it'd take hundreds of rebel bobblies to do that kind of damage :D

Are we talking more like just rampant trespassing?

Kudos to you for admitting that on here Sir! :cool: :tea:

So, now that we have an insider... do the neds ruin it for everyone? Just curious - I mean a vehicle can easily tear up the landscape as we have seen (I wan't too sure where the proper road goes in those pics FK!) but it'd take hundreds of rebel bobblies to do that kind of damage :D

Are we talking more like just rampant trespassing?

Litter, broken glass, empty tins, fires, stock let out or worried by dogs. I could go on but you get the idea, damge done by walkers and cyclists can be bad:mad:
Never ever ever do the last lane.

If anyone suggests 'lets just do one more' DON'T!!

It is cursed and will lead to severe pain and arse ache or breakdown.

Also, and this is a big also. Just because somebody at some point has decided to go and have a jolly and rip up a part of the lane to make it more interesting. You do not follow!

Simple. The lanes maybe be boring and flat or whatever, that's because they are not pay and play site. they are roads.

This kind of thing is very wrong.

Sorry if this sounds harsh but it is very necessary.

So bloody angry when we found that :mad::mad:
+1 on what everyone else has said plus lots of little things like hang back a little from the vehicle in front on any sections that look tricky, let them get through/past/over/under don't want 2 stuck end to end. After getting past the tricky section wait for the vehicle behind or you might have to reverse in some tight places for some distance to retrieve them.

If you haven't got cb's then at every turning wait to make sure the vehicle behind has seen you before driving on, if everyone does this then even if you get strung out nobody will get lost.

Never leave anyone behind! Even if it means abandoning your plans to fix or getting a vehicle to a recoverable place and make sure help is on it's way at the very least.

Don't be afraid to get out and walk to check out unknown sections, err on the side of caution if your unsure about whether you'll case damage to the lane
Litter, broken glass, empty tins, fires, stock let out or worried by dogs. I could go on but you get the idea, damge done by walkers and cyclists can be bad:mad:

Indeed! I see - being in a vehicle we tend to chuck our litter in the door bins or in the footwells :D Dogs ain't a problem either - they tend to just get bounced around in the back of the Landys as far as I can tell :D Don't need a fire because we have heaters - well some of us do. Only fires will probably be electrical in nature, letting the Lucas smoke out of the LR wiring. Sorry John! (still feel bad about not realising your Disco was actually smoking :( )

You would be surprised its pretty much the same thing walkers going of pieste do a lot of damage a long with litter vandalism human waste the list can go on.
Don't try to do too much. Sounds odd, but it's easy to try chasing the lanes rather than enjoying it!

If there are ladies in the group, don't do as I do and make them go bush, but try to figure at least two 'proper' toilet stops .. and a set time for lunch!! (I'm learning, SueW) ;)

Try to keep the leader and last man in cb radio contact at least. This helps keep the group together when junctions and traffic try to doctate otherwise and is 'immediate' not a phone/text call. It also helps to call out whether lane gates were open or need closing .. Leave gates in the state they were in when you came across them ...

Enjoy it .. ;)

I should hope so Paul :p:D:D:D

I like routes which have a few nice easy lanes in between the harder ones with places to stop for coffee and cake. I hate racing through the lanes cause then you dont get good pics to share on here.

Dont forget cake and gate description, they are LZ tradition now :D:D:D
A few Photos from today.

Starting out

Possibly not the best lane for three novice greenlaners. Cursed with the words "we'll start with the one I think is easiest."

Bouncing up slowly

First victim

Turning grim.

Obligatory gate shot.


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