Hi all

Well it's my first ever land rover..

Not sure if I'd ever had on. My radar but my other cars having issues do decided let's try something new

It's an 04 freelander TD4 HSE

Have only driven a few miles as its waiting final prep and will pick it up Monday but thought best get myself acquainted

Any suggestions or stuff to look out for much appreciated... Was heavily involved in forum for my other car so I'm sure I will get stuck in here soon enough
Well it's in the drive now... Some pics.. Bonnets up as checking fluids before any comments lol
I know there's bad things about the freelander 1 but so far I haven't found a perfect car and until I do I'll have fun trying

Everything seems to work without issues so I'll try and remain positive for now lol
Yeah I know the stories but you know what... Screw it I've had some stinkers and some awesome cars...
I have had many P38s over the years and i say the same, just don't tinker with whats not broke is my moto when it comes to Land Rovers. I have seen more problems with people servicing or replacing parts that were working absolutely fine :D:D:D:p:p

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