
New Member
took part in my first bit of greenlining on sunday, it was in the south lakes up in Cumbria. I was following an experienced greenlaner in a Disco2 so with his help and advice it was a great day. I knew some of the lanes from mountainbiking but in a vehicle they seemed sooo different and rougher! I was truly amazed at the capability of my 90, it handled every bit of terrain with no effort at all, crawling over rock steps with ease and through an axle twister section as if it was normal road. I liked my 90 when I bought it, now I love it ....and I love greenlining, hope to join a local club and participate in lots more!

some pics...

Nice one.

Whereabouts are you? Go to User CP and put roughly where you live .. then check the 'Green Lane' area for people going out near you and ask to join in, most will be quite happy to take you along, or join you if you make a route up!

Just call me a dick .. you're already posting this in green laning ... ;)
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great pics she doesn't stay that colour for long ....but a lovely tidy bird all the same ..:D
A few of us went up to the lakes a few weeks ago and all had a great time. Even in the rain!
Great to see some good quality photos too. Keep up the good work!

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