
New Member
Well took the car in today and apparently the RAC man got it wrong, in as much as it wasn't the water pump but the housing that was causing the problems. They've managed to seal it but told me to keep a close eye on it over the next couple of weeks (cost was £65 which I thought was very reasonable?) hoping that they don't have to replace the housing as they tell me it's a strip down job. So fingers crossed that it's ok and I can relax for a while.
Well took the car in today and apparently the RAC man got it wrong, in as much as it wasn't the water pump but the housing that was causing the problems. They've managed to seal it but told me to keep a close eye on it over the next couple of weeks (cost was £65 which I thought was very reasonable?) hoping that they don't have to replace the housing as they tell me it's a strip down job. So fingers crossed that it's ok and I can relax for a while.

You'll probably find the RAC man was spot on, he should have known what he was on about but probably didnt explain it the best.

What did they seal it with? I hope it wasnt a bandit garage that just chucked in some radiator sealer from a bottle costing £12

Those products do work but are really only to get you home type jobbies. Best keep an eye on it
You'll probably find the RAC man was spot on, he should have known what he was on about but probably didnt explain it the best.

What did they seal it with? I hope it wasnt a bandit garage that just chucked in some radiator sealer from a bottle costing £12

Those products do work but are really only to get you home type jobbies. Best keep an eye on it

No, not what I would call a bandit garage. THey've been in business for years (and are always pretty busy with work) and given where they are based (on the edge of two large loyalist type estates) I'd think that if they were cowboys, the local injuns would have scalped 'em long long ago. My dad used them for work he couldn't do himself and I never heard him complain. Based on all that somewhat fuzzy logic I figured they were reliable, plus they don't talk to me like I'm an idiot woman - which when it comes to cars obviously I am!! :confused: :eek: :cool:
You know what they say about RAC & AA mechanics "Failed Mechanics" On account if they were any good they'd all be working in proper garages. (Not my comments just what Regular Mechanics say)
they are based (on the edge of two large loyalist type estates) I'd think that if they were cowboys, the local injuns would have scalped 'em long long ago.

Uncle Andies Motors then ;) More than likely they didnt try to con you. Many garages chuck in k-seal, again this works a treat, only thing is it masks a bigger leak (say head gasket) which slowly gets worse and then fails in a catastrophic way. keep an eye on it.

You know what they say about RAC & AA mechanics "Failed Mechanics" On account if they were any good they'd all be working in proper garages. (Not my comments just what Regular Mechanics say)

True, but they can sing and make a good brew according to the AA advert.

The bonus side is they have the latest techhie gear and up to date training all funded by their motoring organisation
AA grinds to a halt just leaving a roundabout,crunching noise from engine. calls AA, man turns turns up wiff his little van. i tell him what happened and ask fer a tow home(about 4 miles) as something in the engine has come loose and any attempt at starting it will result in more damage. AA man ( i can't use the wurd mechanic to describe him) gives me one of them looks that say " what the **** do you know).
then proceeds to try and start it, all the while am listening to the noise of valve train getting destroyed and pistons getting blottered. he even goes as far as taking the air cleaner orf and stickin his untrained hand over the intake before he says "something has broke inside the engine best i tow you home"

gets hoime and pulls head orf..........a valve head has dropped orf and bounced around inside the combustion chamber resulting in fooked piston, fooked head and a cracked block.

am straight on the phone to the AA and after 6 weeks and two letters from real lawyers i get a replacment engine.

RAC mechanic...... doosul nova wint start am in me best pants and vest so call RAC.. bloke turns up in his little van and trys it.. the fooker starts first time ( after ave bin trying fer ages) it just fired up as if fook all wur wrong..
so then RAC **** says yer clutch needs adjusting, which being a nice man he does... so 'her' drive nove back while i return in me other car. an hour after i get back phone goes, nova wint go. i says FFS and drives back up, i find 'her' at side of road with a nova that now has a burnt out clutch.. this only took 10 days to get replaced at RAC expense.

so yes they really know what they are doing..*

am sure some of them have some mechanical training but dint take it as fact just cos they drive a RAC or AA van that they have any clue at all
Well I guess he was on the right lines at least. Anyway I trust my local lads, I think the charges are reasonable and they don't seem to do anything that's not needed.

Like the Uncle Andy comparison NI lol!

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