
Active Member
Hi all signed up about three weeks ago but been busy reading threads on here forgot to do intro.

Relatively new to this game myself although the Mrs Gaffer has had a disco for few years.

Brief history, when I met the Mrs she had a K reg disco v8 with gas conv, seemed ok to me athhough a bit of a rattler. I have to be honest I didn’t show much interest myself couldn’t get used to starting on petrol and then switching to gas after a few miles and to my ears sounded very tinny when running on gas which for some unknown reason used to irritate me.

Anyway when mot was up found a fair bit of rot all over especially rear chassis which was beyond repair well for me. If one thing annoys me its finding faults on a car that should have been picked up at last years mot especially as I had just spent all weekend doing brakes, checking for mot, cleaning etc.. and she had it serviced and Mot'd by a garage next to her work

Beyond economical repair so we got her got another one N reg disco (ex v8) with 2.8td isuzu engine seemed in good nick all round apart from sunroofs being sealed up. Seemed just what we wanted as we had a three month old at the time and needed maintenance free motoring.:( i know i know
So ran fine for 12 months then when Mot time came round again guess what, failed on welding.

Now here’s where I became involved. The mot tester said the chassis was sound and the vehicle itself was fine, it was just the body.
As he proceeded to show us the holes I couldn’t help notice most of our car was on the floor under his ramp like a large pile of cornflakes. I think he was more upset than us, he had recently had about the same on his Range Rover and as he didn’t weld himself had to pay somebody £1000.

For a grand I would have to learn to weld

Now not really done any of this before apart from when I worked on site tacking stuff together for our welder to do and he was good, could weld two pieces of wood together under water compared to my rubbish. I quickly realised this was going to take some time and even more patience.
After borrowing a welder what followed was three weeks of hell in a shed which had more leaks than the disco, a miserable freezing February in which the only way to get warm was from splatter burns working their way through my ever decreasing wardrobe, a large crate of beer or two and for some reason an overwhelming desire not to be beaten again by one of these vehicles.
Mot guy was duly impressed, I felt very proud and then had 2 ½ years of relatively trouble free motoring including sailing through two Mot’s.
Then an oil leak and knackered engine two days after last Xmas. Great start to the New Year. Needed a car quick so have had to settle for an old escort for the last 5 months.
I think this is where I was hooked, it doesn’t really matter if you love them or not but for me once you’ve had a Landy a normal car is just not the same.
Then 3 weeks ago a friend of mine was getting fed up with his 98 2.5Tdi Disco and asked me if I wanted the engine out of it for ours. Sod the engine I’ll take the lot.
So her i am. Hoping to learn from this Great forum (I have already learned a hell of a lot) and hoping to help out if i can or at the very least provide you all with a laugh or two at my expense, seems a fair swap.
When i get chance, soon i will start a thread on what i am doing. I wouldn't really call it a rebuild compared to some on here but suffice to say the whole interior and most of the engine is a W.I.P at the mo in our kitchen, shed, hallway etc..
I am sure the Mrs thought it would be a case of changing the insurance over and getting on with it.:) Oh no, i'm not spending another winter under one of these and the Mot runs out in March so i am getting it ready for 2014/15.
Well thats my introduction over, sorry to bore you all. Now i know you need 50 posts to sell stuff but when can i start asking questions cos i have thousands.:eek:

Many thanks
After a proper intro? Ask away friend. Bmws lexus' golf tunned up or standard. They don't compete with the roar of a landy v8. The doozls ain't that bad I suppose :D:D
After a proper intro? Ask away friend. Bmws lexus' golf tunned up or standard. They don't compete with the roar of a landy v8. The doozls ain't that bad I suppose :D:D

:) I completely agree, 20 odd years ago i had a 2.8i Capri and if i am honest the old k reg v8 disco felt nearly as good running on petrol, shame it died of the old rust. If i win the lottery tomorrow or the government half the fuel tax i;d have a v8 Landy in a heartbeat.

O.k. so first question what is the best/least annoying way to ask questions, start a "My questions" thread and keep using it or just post a new thread each time:confused: :rolleyes:
:) I completely agree, 20 odd years ago i had a 2.8i Capri and if i am honest the old k reg v8 disco felt nearly as good running on petrol, shame it died of the old rust. If i win the lottery tomorrow or the government half the fuel tax i;d have a v8 Landy in a heartbeat.

O.k. so first question what is the best/least annoying way to ask questions, start a "My questions" thread and keep using it or just post a new thread each time:confused: :rolleyes:

I had a v6 vec I turned into a 3.2 with miggy transplant. Bmw 328! Both beautiful sounding cars but my v8 just burbles away and under full chat just wow. Just start a thread ask away and people will take the **** and bend over backwards to help in equal measures.
Firstly Welcome.

Secondly ask away, as said above be prepared for the **** taking and abuse but you will also get your answers. Do a search first as the question may already have been asked and answered.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Oh just one more thing never under any circumstance ask about tyres. :D
Firstly Welcome.

Secondly ask away, as said above be prepared for the **** taking and abuse but you will also get your answers. Do a search first as the question may already have been asked and answered.

Hope this helps and good luck.

Oh just one more thing never under any circumstance ask about tyres. :D

:D ok so ignoring all advice heres my first question, no honestly was going to and need to ask anyway and expect and prepared for flaming/ pasting/**** taking.

i have transfered the wheels with tyres from old disco 1 xs to new disco 300 tdi gs.

now i fully understand and agree with the rule that a wheel/tyre should not exceed the wheel arch and it doesnt appear to do so.(in my opinion i may be wrong).

They are 255/70/R16 bf goodrich at's,that were on the last disco and to be honest never thought about it although the xs had plastic trim and wheel arches as most of you experts will no doubt know.

so questions

1. were these on from original spec
2. are they ok on new disco or do i have to put the wheel arch trims on as well

go on then in the spirit of honesty so you can take the ****, i spent severel hours(all weekend) dismantling the front bumper and now the fookers catch when i turn the wheel, only by about a mm or so, but didnt have a problem on the old car.

i have measured everything thrice and no difference apart from the fact i think in my eagerness to match the top of the front bumper corner trims with the line of the wing without to much of a gap have set them in too far.?? should i put it back where is was and live with it. Trying to upload pics but shmbo has gone out and searching for pc/blackberry lead.

I have done many searches on this forum and elsewhere and have a lot of laughs from the replys to "what tyres can i fit"

So i do not post lightly, but feel free to take the **** if you so wish

Bracing myself
Many thanks

:D ok so ignoring all advice heres my first question, no honestly was going to and need to ask anyway and expect and prepared for flaming/ pasting/**** taking.

i have transfered the wheels with tyres from old disco 1 xs to new disco 300 tdi gs.

now i fully understand and agree with the rule that a wheel/tyre should not exceed the wheel arch and it doesnt appear to do so.(in my opinion i may be wrong).

They are 255/70/R16 bf goodrich at's,that were on the last disco and to be honest never thought about it although the xs had plastic trim and wheel arches as most of you experts will no doubt know.

so questions

1. were these on from original spec
2. are they ok on new disco or do i have to put the wheel arch trims on as well

go on then in the spirit of honesty so you can take the ****, i spent severel hours(all weekend) dismantling the front bumper and now the fookers catch when i turn the wheel, only by about a mm or so, but didnt have a problem on the old car.

i have measured everything thrice and no difference apart from the fact i think in my eagerness to match the top of the front bumper corner trims with the line of the wing without to much of a gap have set them in too far.?? should i put it back where is was and live with it. Trying to upload pics but shmbo has gone out and searching for pc/blackberry lead.

I have done many searches on this forum and elsewhere and have a lot of laughs from the replys to "what tyres can i fit"

So i do not post lightly, but feel free to take the **** if you so wish

Bracing myself
Many thanks


SEARCH FFS!!!! yes you will need to fit arches if top of tyre is out of the arch! Maybe need spacers if it is catching on something
Would think the original tyre size would be 235 not 255, 20mm narrower. Check the steering stops, if you lengthen them you will get less stering angle but your tyres shouldn't catch.
SEARCH FFS!!!! yes you will need to fit arches if top of tyre is out of the arch! Maybe need spacers if it is catching on something

My apologies ithink i may have explained wrongly, i have searched before i fitted them with no difinutive answer. I have fitted them with the 30mm spacers exactly as they were on the last disco.

in my opinion they do not protrude the actual wing itself but now i am thinking why then did LR fit the plastic arches which extend by about 10-15 mm there must have been a reason.

They only catch on the front plastic i think because i have adjusted it for estetic reasons i remember the same on the last disco.

if you still think i am a muppet feel free....

Thank you for your help so far


Just want to be legal and safe

Whatever happens the Mrs prefers them so they are staying on whether i like it or not just contemplating taking the trims off the old one as they look ok now but might not by the time ive got them off or if i have to sourcing new ones

Just wondered if anybody else had had this specific problem.

Once again sorry for being a knob/noobie



They see
Try prying off gently. Pics are a must to confirm if legal however you would have to **** and officer off or get one on a power trip to give a ****. Even on modded cars I've never had an issue let alone a farmer Tom truck.
Try prying off gently. Pics are a must to confirm if legal however you would have to **** and officer off or get one on a power trip to give a ****. Even on modded cars I've never had an issue let alone a farmer Tom truck.

Now thats good advive:):):) i wonder how many peeps have been caugbht out on this on insurance ???

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