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We like to swear like troopers in Anything Goes.

If we don't vent we'll explode! Down with the *****
This is definitely on the list, can't find a current add-on for xenforo to make this work yet.

We like to swear like troopers in Anything Goes.

If we don't vent we'll explode! Down with the *****
+1 We are all adults, well except for Td5 power, all the regulars know each other pretty well, and we should be able to swear if we want. :)
Not that I have been here long, BUT, I agree. they are all words from the english language !!
Did anyone see Prince Phillip the other day on telly??? swore like a good un he did!! Made I Larf, good and proper !!
I'm definitely going to allow swearing in anything goes, I cannot allow it across the board as people cannot be trusted not to swear, and google pays for landyzone and they don't want any swearing on the same pages as their adverts!
I'm definitely going to allow swearing in anything goes, I cannot allow it across the board as people cannot be trusted not to swear, and google pays for landyzone and they don't want any swearing on the same pages as their adverts!
More than happy with AG, wouldn't swear on open forum anyway! :)

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