Hi all, as the title says, i have a 200tdi disco engine in my
Yesterday i went in some water off roading and it conked out, we pulled her out, took injectors out and spat the water out,
We also disconnected the top intercooler pipe at the inlet and wound the engine over, with injectors in (i think) but not connected,
About a pint of water came out, we then re assembled it and it started 1st time, absolutely lovely.
As if nothing ever happened.

Which leads me to..... About 3/4 hours later as we were ready to go home... It started playing up.
The engine will barely rev and when you try it splutters and backfires.. Not badly, but bad enough! Cause diesels dont normally back fire?
Smoke is abit black, and abit white

My questions are what do people think is wrong with it?
Im aware the turbo maybe in a bad way, im getting a spare this evening.

I cant understand how it ran lovely, all day then started dieing?

Have i bent a conrod? Or could the engine still run fine with a slightly bent rod?

I did a search last night and im going to check on tuesday

Play in the turbo
Diesel filter and lines to the engine
Both fuel pumps

Lastly i have a snorkel, which has been water tight in the past, i think a elbow is perished and has a hole in it. Was only about 18deep. Just above 200tdi disco engine intake height.

Thanks people for who ever contributes.
The engine ran so lovely before, its a great shame for me

Thanks graham
Time and time again people complain of low power and smoke after drowning it and every time bent conrods.

Water will have hydraulic action in running engine and head and sump off time to check piston top dead centre heights ( TDC ) and pull damaged ones
Water in the fuel, have you tried draining the tap on the bottom of the fuel filter?
Have to say last guy me an mate helped get glow plugs out and wound it over to get water out, as son as it started we both looked at each other and said bent rods!
Water in the fuel, have you tried draining the tap on the bottom of the fuel filter?
Have to say last guy me an mate helped get glow plugs out and wound it over to get water out, as son as it started we both looked at each other and said bent rods!

I havent tried anything yet. Though im going to guess a rod is bent.

Lets assume they are bent, is it a mamoth job to do?
I have a mechanic mate who owes me a favour!

Thanks for replys guys.
Yes but if it ran as per normal that kind of says to me a rod is not bent, unless you still had some water in the intake system which then may have bent the rod during normal running
I would say easiest way to check is injectors out use some sort of rod down the inj hole and see if they are all the same at tdc.
Water in the fuel would explain some of the symptons. You restarted on the good fuel in the lines/pump, then as the water/fuel mix got through the filter, it started to affect the engine. Check at the fuel filter first.
You might have a look at where the filler pipe enters the tanks, look for an obvious crack or split in the pipe.
water in the oil, water in the tank, water dragged through a soggy air filter, bent rods.

If it ran fine to begin with maybe its water contamination of something. how long did it sit soaking before it was pulled out?
water in the oil, water in the tank, water dragged through a soggy air filter, bent rods.

If it ran fine to begin with maybe its water contamination of something. how long did it sit soaking before it was pulled out?

The truck was stopled and sat in the water for 3/4minutes maximum before i was pulled out,

It honestly fired up 1st turn, and ran faultlessly!... For 5hours atleast.

Wound the engine over to remove water from intercooler, but as said above there was sooooo much water in the boost pipes/intercooler i have a feeling it could have been sustained after? But surely it would have happened moments after?
Me and a friend will hopefully get a chance tomorrow to take a look.

Thanks for the replies, given me some hope! Ive just bought another engine, which may be a spare if this one is salvagable.

I will take injectors out tomorrow and do the above using a measuring tool of some sort.

Fingers crossed the old girl is ok!

Thanks everyone who gave input, im pleased to say the old
Girl lives!!!!!

There were stones still in the turbo somehow?!
The turbo went 9 rounds with a bag of sand!

I did all the above, took injectors out,
Cleaned, cleaned all fuel related things

The diaphragm (i think)? On top of the fuel pump
With the throttle cable on was full of muddy water,
Fuel filter full of muddy water
The turbo had a big old
Stone in it, and intercooler full of dry **** and she runs lovely!!!! Boost up lovely.

Im going to adress my breach of intake now and make her water tight!

Thanks everyone :)
Well worth greasing the diaphragm taper and lightly oil the other bit so when it gets wet again its got a fighting chance, I did in the end work out a breather set up on mine to stop it happening again.
Well worth greasing the diaphragm taper and lightly oil the other bit so when it gets wet again its got a fighting chance, I did in the end work out a breather set up on mine to stop it happening again.

Thanks for the advice, i have now done so!

I am now in the process of re housing my airbox, re newing all
My air intake pipes to make sure i dont have this happen again.

Does it matter if the heater blow fills with water? Mine was full of mud,
It had moulded itself to the shape of the blower, looked like an old fossil ! Haha

Thanks people :)
I reckon any defender used off road will have water/mud in the heater, not a lot you can do about it really.
Update.. Right well sunday i put the bits i had off and cleaned back... And she starts up and runs lovely, but she doesnt rev up properly,
Lots of black smoke under load with little power.
There does appear to be some blue some at the height of
The revs, turbo maybe

I have changed fuel filter, removed injectors, cleaned as well as i can, re seated them nicely
Changed air filter

I havent cleaned the intercooler yet.
Havent removed all fuel lines and blown out yet

We found lots of stones and ****e in the turbo after it drowned.
I now have a new turbo to replace it with if needs be.

The turbo is spinning.. And drawing in air very well
Also the tank is pressurising abit?! The the filler cap makes popping noise..

So tried driving it with no cap. Made no difference
Where is the tank breather? Could my tank
Be full of water? Or does it sound worse??
Did you empty the contents of the fuel filter out for a look see? if no water in there tank is okay.
Pop the intercooler pipe off at the manifold, start engine and see how much air comes out and if anything else comes out!
Bingo!! Took the boost pipes off
The cooler, by passed the cooler and fitted straight to the inlet. Absolutely perfect again!!

So cooler out, jet washed and air blasted, and now being dried out over night in the airing cupboard.
The amound of mud that came
Out of the intercooler was ridiculous, i cant imagine any air
Was getting through at all!

I think im very lucky i didnt blow the whole engine up!

Fingers crossed shes all sorted now.

Thanks graham

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